Know Your Anti-Semitism Memes (you’ll need ‘em!)

14 min readNov 8, 2020


*cracks knuckles* all right goyim, let us learn how to properly meme on the conspiracy trolls.

npc / “goyim is goilem” : the sudden “discovery” it’s super easy to trigger libs on the internet. unbeknownst to them, it’s literally because they like to play pretendy protocols of zion LARP both neo AND agent smith. seriously, go read the protocols and remember the smug, gleeful tone of every troll lib/feminist/black person/whatever social media account who played triggered over and over but really obviously and fakely in a clear attempt to make the other side look bad so you immediately clocked was a fake but Not So for The Audience Of Pigs You Didn’t See on 4chan. they’re sadomasochists at heart; they enjoy playacting their emotional martyr as much as they like playacting their sadistic martyrLARPing narratives of lurid suffering they jack off over at length and will jam them into fucking cookbooks so more goyim can start getting ideas if you just let them.

owning the libs” / “oy vey the goyim has kicked down my door to rant at me about my motives so he can play hero of his own bad choices Yet Again” : the playing at humiliating someone in front of all your jeering friends, as you, truly, are just the Real Victim Here For Sure Daddy Said So :)

the red pill/ “the self-con” : rather than accept they have been owned, they take that fantasy where they come back with just the PERFECT comeback and you abjectly in cringing, servile humiliation admit you were wrong and more than that Always Wrong and probably just wrong fundamentally as a person so into guantanamo you go to get tortured by sadists so they can beat themselves off some more on secretly being the actual fucking martyrs with their pack of bully-wannabe friends (pigs at the trough eating garbage) or just lie to their wannabe-bully friends they did later and everyone in the liberal coffee shop stood up and clapped (grifters making garbage to harvest their sadomasochist sufferbacon to fund their own sadism). dunk on jacob wohl all you want, the literal fact he still fucking got away with it for so long is just because being jewish, he knows his meme.

the libs” / uh, all jews : their skydaddy issues, being just their fucking daddy issues why do you think we invented therapy JEWS JUST TOO FUCKING GREEDY GOYIM TRICKED YA INTO PAYING US FOR IT, projected onto the OG memelord foole everyone like clicks and reblogs for stuff. things will hold without (much) violence if you give them a happy merchant to play with, but if/when the sneaking suspicion Perhaps They Are The Ones Who Have Been Trolled starts to press into their chosen flat earth soup tureen, their french revolution is gonna be aimed at whoever you let be a cagot this round and BUDDY THEY KNOW IT

there is no spoon” / “well that’s what they’re really like anyway, so,” : even after exposing a martyrLARPER for them to dogpile on for internet catharsis for the fact their “owning” was just being fucking owned by a grifter Yet Again, it’s all right because of this magic phrase i can only assume they whisper to themselves to stay asleep at night, amidst all the ashes of their failure.

the matrix/ “flying castles/castles in the air” : a yiddish turn of phrase meaning kicking around fantasizing about all that stuff you want to own instead of actually putting in the laborious and often thankless work and sacrifice you’d actually have to make to have those kung-fu skills they want to zap into their head so much they’re started LARPing it amongst themselves while ginning themselves up to do a pogrom.

the boogaloo/ “oy vey, again with the pogroms” : what they want. bear with me and say the internet is real life. /r/ conservative, a stringently modded for anything but circlejerk martyrLARP and baying calls for blood. the biggest impregnable fortress of snowflakes wailing about it in ritualistic abandon to their own troll friends. the parallels are, like all memes, not that deep.

adrenochrome/pizzagate/frazzledrip/WAYFAIR SHIPS CHILDREN/fucking whatever BLUH BORING LARP/ “cAnNiBaL pEdOpHiLeS lmao”: once they get bored of those ritualistic Wars On Christmas you let them conduct to take more fake vicarious runs at it, they start making shit up and it’s always the same boring shit like it’s NEW and they’ve DISCOVERED IT supplemented by The Most Basic pattern recognition (omg geminis are TWO faced. libras act BALANCED. tauruses are BULL HEADED ABOUT THINGs!!) held above their head like they’re fucking link with the triforce or something for their friends in the closed room.

facebook groups/ the closed room : where whatever gross shit these people like to imagine then enact onto their victims for the sadomasochistic entertainment factor like it’s for FUCKING popcorn for their fucking LARP actually happens. it just happens to your chosen victims by the same fucking self-worth grifters that are faking those owns for you that you’re so fucking proud of while they burgle you.

real life / the open stage : the self-conner’s belief that they are Truly The Protagonist Of Their Story, as opposed to a long line of dull, stupid, vicious sadomasochistic cowardly bully trolls who are angry because we are all a bit part in a larger play that honestly just Never Is Fucking About Us. just dodge the fucking trolls lmao how do you think we got so slippery IMAGINE IF THESE PEOPLE WERE TRYNA CATCH YOU SLIPPING FOR BEING TOO OG FOREVER

epstein didn’t kill himself”/ “pulling a ragequit iago”: epstein absolutely just fucking killed himself to shank capitalism and make it explain themselves for once, you guys. he just was a dark-sider memelord playing for the kings so he was like, the absolute fucking best at memeing on people to distract them from what was really going on with the grift. the security was just so lax because they were counting on the pit of training-up neo nazis and radical islam to attack the vizier jews when they Outlive Their Usefulness and judas them for cover with the proles And Also They Tend To Attack Pedophiles As A Bonus I Guess to do it for them and then go ‘o no’ at it Per Usual and he knew it.

the other inmates had started their run-ups and he was bored and tired of it so he decided he’d just nuke the board to make everyone in the entire goddamn world as mad about it as he was at getting screwed by the Actual Power Here doing all the cannibalism and pedophilia the goyim tell each other about with breathless excitement for their fucking click like reblogs. he literally just meme’d on us all so hard that the goyim resurrected him forever as the Evil Vizier jimmy hoffa of the capitalist sociopath class.

he just was an OG memelord who knows how to actually trigger people it’s about going nuclear and sometimes that just means nuking your own self spectacularly to do it because that’s just jewish culture we just REALLY like owning things decisively and put in the work to GET IT OURSELVES if we WANT IT SO FUCKING MUCH and BUDDY THIS IS WHY I CALL THE MEMELORD + LOREMASTER COMBO AN ELDER GOD, BE IT INVINCIBLE BENEVOLENT SOROS EMMANUEL GOLDSTEIN-ING FOR YOUR SINS ON FUCKING FOX DAY IN AND DAY OUT OR INVINCIBLE WICKED PEDOPHILE PICK YOUR FLAVOR

it’s just they were trying to get him killed in there by an anti semite to keep their hands clean and it’s just sooooo slow and boring for the jew nowadays when the party’s over and he just got mad about it and fucking meme’d his ragequit to skip to the end of your fake social media catharsis on the matter but make it HIS story for GOOD and deprive you of your Psychic Internet Victory from burning him just so VERY hard for it on your social media to your friends that did nothing and solves nothing but makes the jew’s notifications while they decide whether to just fucking ban you for it or not fucking annoying because FINE THEN >( i’ll ban MYSELF if you WANT IT SO MUCH.

he just got really mad and quit before the world could fire him over the PR grill so shitty smug goyim could think they were roasting him bout it and wake up sheeple / woke their ritualized playtime before Naptime Again For Good Goyim he just was very jewish the video would prove it but he just knew they wouldn’t have video on him because he was a jewish fall guy they finally put in the nazi hole and were Waiting Around For Their Accountability To Get Awwww Murdered so he decided to do it himself and better he just was very good at being jewish while also being a fundamentally bad person.

idk how else to break this to you goyim you all just got unBELIEVABLY fucking trolled by an OG memelord Yet Again and The Trick Was To Make You Feel Proud That You Made Yet Again Goyim Own Meme bout it but when you play around with jewish triggers you just can’t ever be certain “nuke it all if they want it so much” isn’t the trigger ya fuckin round this round with for funsies :/

see i’d have told him to fucking quit it but i’ve never met the guy so what could i have done told the goyim lmao how you doing on breaking up those home-grown concentration camps i’m sorry playtime’s over actual activism is just constant dangerous fucking work for access to power,

The Real Trolls All Along Were Us Owning You” / “the real loser is the wannabe foole that pretends at being foole so hard he fools himself” : they just got conned and will parade around naked demanding their emotional labor funtimes of you and that your treat them like an emperor all day so either get dancing as their foole vizier from them to clap at or put them in the baby pen to suck on a happy merchant and convince themselves that’s what owning anonymously on the internet without consequence is supposed to be about this literally just happens whenever the mass-grifted have a sudden crisis of faith about being neo or just a lameo pretending to know kung fu and wearing a trench coat in public but DON’T GIVE THEM ALL THE GUNS YOU FOOLS

the storm”/ “their filthy lucre” : the new pie in the sky when they die now that it looks like the rapture’s fallen through and They Might Have To Deal With The Global Warming After All. whatever it may be, they really, really want it and will willingly kill you so they can take it from you if it can be done so with anonymity and shielding from consequence. hint: it’s just being right about that thing they’re being grifted on it’s the frank denial that sends them down to full cannibal pedophile abu gharib narratives and fantasies. weird and gross, right? NOW IT’S IN YA GOVERNMENT AND JAMIE HARRIS ISN’T GUYS I DON’T THINK SPENDING MONEY IS THE REAL RACE HERE I THINK IT’S EXERCISING SOCIAL CREDIT TO INFLUENCE THE MOB AND CONTROL THE LAWMAKERS MAYBE THOSE MEMEING FOOLE JEWS YOU DUNK ON FOR YOUR TWITTER FRIENDS Just Know Something About The Path Of Internet Mob Justice That You Don’t ;3c

basically they think it’s your wealth and success they want but it’s just being able to bully them harder and make them run like the whiny little bitch boys they are so they gather the friends in a mob and pogrom you for it because That Is What They Fear Happening To Them The Most And It Just All Was Their Fucking Monstrous Reflection Like ALWAYS

happy merchant” / “Oh Wow A Judensau Good Baby Very First A Meme : they just get a fucking sadomasochistic thrill from anonymous lack of accountability as they bully en masse and violate societal taboos that keep them from bullying actual victims of their stupid crisis of faith on the open stage in front of their jeering friends where people can actually see and punish them for acting like a violent fucking narcissist toddler sociopath with other people’s real lives and identities because they’re bored with their own fucking lives and suspect they’ve been conned by their own faith.

but the actual sadists jury-rig their way into being indispensable to the very workings like epstein did when he just FOUND AN IN WITH AN EMPEROR BY GOING UP, ACTUALLY ASKING, AND THEN MADE HIMSELF USEFUL TO THEM THAT’S LITERALLY THE ONLY JEW SECRET TO ENDING UP FUCKING RUNNING EVERYTHING YOU STUPID IDIOT and the baby boy coward trolls on fucking social media play pretendsies for their dumb fucking idiot friends what do you want from us you never stopped them when it was the happy merchant and the holocaust denial WHY ARE YOU SO SURPRISED IT’S HARD TO MAKE THEM ACCOUNTABLE FOR IT NOW

plandemic” / “oh 200k? Buddy If You Think They Stop At Six Million You May Have Never Actually Attempted To Moderate Your Holocaust Deniers ;3c : it’s hard work and you need to do it constantly or else you just grow the death camps we told you and you told us no how many more pounds of flesh must we carve from ourselves for you to allow your greediest to feast on before you realize the true trick was YOU have to tell them to cut it out they’d have listened to YOU once if you’d paid attention EARLY ON to the PSYCHIC VICTORY GRIEVANCE LARPING

solidarity” / “mishpocha”: just because poland chased out and murdered all their jews for being too unbearably OG about their faith in each other over What They Want To Hear doesn’t mean poland Actually Invented It >( and WAIT until i tell you about the U.N. MONUMENT DOOOOOOOOME OF WE DON’T CARE HOW MANY POGROMS AND THIEVING AND GOLDEN PALACES TO VICTORY YOU BUILD OVER IT BECAUSE WE KNOW IT’S STILL OUR ROCK >( >( AND NOT YOURS >( >( >(

where we go one, we go all” / “return the slab or suffer my curse” : there’s some things you just can’t deviate on no matter how the stories or public situation or public opinion start pressuring you and either you go dumb conspiracy theorist anti semite or you go hard on the jewish but it’s not going to be solved until YOU make THEM give back OUR rock and THEN we’ll talk of sharing but if you don’t solve the fundamental grievance underpinning everything because you yourself are afraid of facing the baying violent goyim internet tantrum mob over the complicated machinations of faith, fundamental identity, and current day politics of public opinion then well :/ you’re fundamentally goyim i’m afraid kikes different like lmao what are they going to do accuse us of all the world’s ills and then mass-murder our elderly in our place of worship for it *flips through my fucking packet loremaster notes* DOGG HOLD UP WHICH TIME,

they can KEEP the golden palace they built to stealing it from us we don’t WANT that part we just want OUR ROCK we are Entirely Certain Regardless Of How They Spin It To The Fucking U.N. THEY fucking STOLE,

“karens demanding to speak to the manager”/ “telling the hasidim to take it up with god if it’s so fucking fun playing martyr and then incessantly dismissing them with that until they get so mad bout it they get triggered and go ‘FINE THEN’ and do,” : we just pit our memelord delegitimization and pernicious rules-lawyering mastery into japing at the walls of their loremaster’s Sacred Legitimate Institutions they guards with their Holy Recipts and Meaningful Training Rituals Of Grievance Identifying And Resolving and manned Wall Of Faith with it incessantly until they get fed up and make a new rule for it.

but it’s with the understanding jewishness as an identity is every jew’s and if we want to zoom along FORWARD and AWAY from bad faith hell to that good faith heaven of theirs If They Really Want It So Fucking Much to civilization space ending starfleet OG it’s time to put down the childish fucking capitalism LARP and leave mad max behind our flying castles need to be trained for formation and well maintained regardless of everyone’s peaceable life choices in case goyim a smack for whatever their skydaddy du jour did this time OY KAREN COMES FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE AND THUMOS IS THE TRUEST RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCE AIM YOUR KARENS AT YOUR MANAGERS IF THEY SO WANT TO FIGHT WITH GOD AND EMERGE VICTORIOUS THEN YOU MUST LEASH YOUR KARENS TO THE WHITE SAVIOR TREADMILL AND U N L E A S H THEM O N Y O U R M A N A G E R S

“what bro are you mad it’s just a joke bruh triggered bruh” / “well i don’t think it’s funny.” :) *pulls trigger* *nuke.* : it’s just when you’re jewish it just was sometimes the warning was also the threat,

“literally any connection they made with basic pattern recognition like it’s the second coming of ours first ;3c their christ,” / “RuLeS gO bOtH wAyS” : omg double talk?? telling assholes the shit they want to hear?? dogg i’m jewish i was born and bred to surf the trending and meme hard and go harder while you were matrix rping and agent smithing to jack off over the same lurid gorn narratives of oppression i just lived it so i fucking studied the katana with the ghost of every sensei neo OG but without the INTERNET SPEEDS what like it’s hard??

*pauses, sips my adrenochrome from my wine glass* do you think the goyim will ever realize that any entrance just means a door goes both ways? and that people generally are willing to let a neighbor die but not if they know them and they know they legit and stuff? this may be it for the night there’s 5000 years of more

whoop one last one “jews are behind everything” = “jews learned how to duck behind a bigger bully and YOU made it the law so whoops ;3c jewtrix” GOODNIGHT EVERYBODY

“loudest victim win sufferpoints in martyr game” / victimization is not justification : idk dude instead of getting grifted because it’s more fun jacking off over all the nobly suffering y’all like to project onto basic selfish people maybe you should just hold off on letting a really obvious but narratively inconvenient grifter run a country into those fucking death camps she actually just fucking wanted more than your fucking suffering quietly like good goyim more dedicated PR campaign fucking medal if you’re not going to fucking bother to log off the fucking internet and go there and take the time and effort your own self to understand the actual lived particulars of their FUCKING politics before you decide you can rule on shit and demand new rules.

(and you can ONLY judge ANYONE’s character when you’ve AT LEAST MET AND TALKED TO THEM REGULARLY YOURSELF or if you can go ask their mother but UNTIL THEN you don’t really know them and they aren’t really your fucking pal avatar you’ve just met their FUCKING p.r. so just PaRDeS whatever anyone tries to sell you on anyone else’s identity and don’t let your own get GRIFTED or FUCKING TROLLED YET AGAIN abi GEZUNT.)

“((( )))” / “lmao just go suck the king’s dick yourself if you want it haman esther OG” *slaps trigger* *nuke.*

“#MeToo” / “lmao #BeenKnew” : what do you want from us no goyim will ever hear of it until you make it so they can’t explain it away as literally ANYTHING else They Are Literally Just Scared Of Confronting This Round’s Daddy because activism is just hard and thankless when the baby finishes tantrum and so thinks pigs too done with the playing and not Oh The Jew Games Just Begun Son lmao RAT POISON they are Literally That Stupidly Obviously Evil Bout It and the jewish trick is YOU KNOW NO ONE REALLY KNOWS OR CARES THE FUCKING MOMENT IT STOPS TRENDING and that’s when they come for you FOOLS

trust the plan” / “you don’t make your peace with god, you make your peace with the people you done it to or your sew your own reaper” : an eye for an eye is a contract, not a law. if you aren’t comfortable with being alone in a room with ten people you’ve P E R S O N A L L Y made suffer for your own pleasure, REGARDLESS OF HOW RIGHT YOU THINK YOU ARE TO DO IT, then if ten people or eleven people come out of that room what happened in there is their business just like it was when you didn’t care to know and brother, that’s just justice.

if you, personally, could not stand to be treated the way you’ve treated people for your funtimes conspiracy LARP for 5000 years of ruining other people’s lives for your FUCKING popcorn, then brother… log off and fucking DON’T.

you can tell yourself god is proud of you all you want. you’re still hiding behind him rather than talk to the people you brigaded and sabotaged for your own funtimes LARP and then discarded when you found a new plotline to jack off over.


